What is scary is that someone that stupid is in charge of all of the things Steven said. How on earth could someone think taking guns away from lawful citizens prevent violent criminals from murdering people and commiting crimes? She is also evil. Very evil. People were stupid enough to vote for her and then they gripe about her in the ABQ Journal's Speak Up! column. Of course the cheating here could mean she basically elected herself...

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What else would expect from a tyrant. She totally mishandled the Covid pandemic and as far as I am concerened she is responsible for and untold horror stories about recked lives and thousands of needless deaths. Now she wants to take our guns, thank God for the second amendment we need our guns to protect ourselves from her and the government. New Mexicans have a chance to change this state and our country in 2024 lets hope they have had enough and vote for common sense.

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